A room in a sunny place 590

" Because I had some time left until work, I bought a book. It’s “Rubin no tsubo ga wareta” by Yadono Kahoru. I am looking forward to reading it during travelling and free time. (*^▽^*) Every spare moment, I am studying or reading… I also want to see a movie! There are a lot of things I want to do."

A room in a sunny place 590 * Hinachima

9th December 2017
Original: http://blog.nogizaka46.com/hina.higuchi/2017/12/042085.php


Good evening. Thank you for today. *

今日は気持ちの良い朝だった!すごく晴れ渡った空で…* でも空気は凍てついていた~(´,,>ω<,,`)

Today’s morning was pleasant! The sky was very clear… but it was cold ~(´,,>ω<,,`)


There is less than a month left in 2017. I’ll treasure every day. ☆


Today, before work, I had my hair dyed early in the morning!

アンダーライブの前に行きたかったので、いつもヘアカラーをお願いしている美容師さんに、朝早い時間からやって頂きました♡ 朝から幸せ(*´ω`*)

I wanted it done before the Under live shows, every time I asked the hairdresser to color my hair, and I got it this early morning. ♡ I am happy since. (*´ω`*)

お仕事まで少し時間があったので、本を一冊買ったよ。 宿野かほるさんの、『ルビンの壺が割れた』です。

Because I had some time left until work, I bought a book. It’s “Rubin no tsubo ga wareta” by Yadono Kahoru.


I am looking forward to reading it during travelling and free time. (*^▽^*)

映画はね、『DESTINY 鎌倉ものがたり』を観たいです。

Every spare moment, I am studying or reading… I also want to see a movie! There are a lot of things I want to do. ☆ The movie I want to see is “Destiny: Kamakura Monogatari”.

毎日を充実させたくて…☆ 1日の終わりに今日も充実した1日だったなって思いたいの(o^^o)

I want to enrich every day… ☆ Because at the end of the day I want think it was a fulfilling day. (o^^o)


“Nogizaka46 × Playboy 2017” was released on 8th December.


Maichun, Kanarin, Yuttan, Iori and I became office ladies. *

そして… 今日発売の「BOMB」オフショット!

Also… Offshots from “BOMB” released today!


Yuttan, Minami and I. ☆


It was the first gravure photo shoot with only the three of us, and I enjoyed it very much.

↑このポーズはね、色々な所に力が入っていたから、大変でした(*≧∀≦*)笑 3人でお腹抱えて笑いながら座っていたけれど、撮影が始まると、ちゃんとキリッとした表情をしています!

↑ Because we had to do this pose at various places, it was difficult. (*≧∀≦*) lol. The three of us were holding our sides laughing while posing, but when the shooting started, our expressions were clear!

↑これは3人お揃いの謎のポーズ☆笑 爪先立ちをしながら、脚で4を作ったよ!笑

Here the three of us hold the same mysterious pose. ☆ lol. Our leg made a 4 shape, while we were standing on our tiptoes! lol. The 4 of 46! lol

マネージャーさんが沢山オフショットを撮って下さっていました♡ まだまだあるから、メールで送るよん☆

The manager took a lot of offshots. ♡ Because there is more to come, I’ll send them by mail. ☆

そしてそして!最後に!大事なお知らせ!明日、12月10日17:00~ NHKさん、「シブヤノオト」に出演します。ぜひ観て下さい(。・ω・。)♡

And also! Lastly! An important announcement! Tomorrow, 10th December 17:00, we will perform on NHK’s Shibuya Note. Please be sure to watch it. (。・ω・。)♡

– 毎週水曜日21:30~NHK Eテレ「趣味どきっ!簡単!極上!ヘルシー!わたしにご褒美スープ」

宜しくお願いします♡ ちなみに、リアルタイムでみられなかった方へ…
NHK Eテレ 毎週水曜日AM11:30~
NHK 総合 毎週水曜日、AM10:15~


Every week on Wednesday 21:30 ~ “Syumi doki! Kantan! Gokujou! Healthy! Watashi ni Gohoubi Soup” on NHK Educational TV.

Thank you in advance. ♡ By the way, for those who can’t see the realtime broadcast, the rebroadcasts are:

NHK Educational TV – Every week on Wednesday 11:30 AM
NHK General TV – Every week on Wednesday 10:15 AM and on Thursday 10:15 AM.

Please be sure to watch it. ♡

The first broadcast of 6th December will be rebroadcasted on 13th December 11:30 AM. ♡

– 2018年1月10日発売のアンダーアルバム、「僕だけの君~Under Super Best~」
– 2018年1月14日(日):神奈川・ポートメッセ横浜1~5部です☆
– 2018年2月17日(土):ポートメッセなごや1~5部です☆
– 2018年3月25日(日):京都国際会館
– 12月15日発売「EX大衆」一人です。
– 12月23日 23:00~BSフジ「スーパーフォーミュラ GO ON!」
– 【舞台版ドラえもん「のび太とアニマル惑星」】DVD 12月15日予約開始。1月13日発売です!!!

– 10th January release of Under album “Boku dake no Kimi ~Under Super Best~”
There will be individual handshake events!
– 14th January 2018 (Sunday): Kanagawa – Pacifico Yokohama, 1st to 5th round.☆
– 17th February 2018 (Saturday): Port Messe Nagoya, 1st to 5th round.☆
– 25th May 2018 (Sunday): Kyoto – Kyoto International Conference Center
⚠︎ Because I have a theater performance that day, I will only participate on the 5th round!
– 15th December release of EX Taishu, solo.
– 23rd December starting 23:00 BS Fuji “Super Formula GO ON!”
– The Doraemon “Nobita and the Animal Planet” stage play DVD pre-ordering starts on 15th December. It will be released on 13th January!!!


Thank you in advance. ☆

前回ブログ、「インフルエンサー」18thシングルと書いてしまっていましたが、17thシングルでしたよね(O_O) 間違えてしまいました(O_O) 大事なことなのに(O_O)

In my previous blog, I wrote that Influencer is the 18th single, but it’s the 17th single. (O_O) I made a mistake. (O_O) Even though it’s such an important thing. (O_O)

皆さんからのコメントを読みながら、「わぁ~やってしまったぁ~(O_O)」って反省しました。うっかりミスに気をつけなければ… 教えてくれてありがとうございますっ

While reading the comments from everyone, I thought “Waa, now I’ve done it (O_O)”. I have to be careful about such careless mistakes… Thanks for telling me.

最近ね、携帯を変えてから755が出来ないのです…m(__)m 今、どうにか引き継ぎができないものかと、頑張っているので待っていて下さいm(__)m

Lately, I can’t use 755 because I switched phones… m(__)m Now, I am doing my best trying to transfer it some way or another, so please wait. m(__)m

[List of Birthdays]



I hope that this will be a wonderful year for you…*


I wish you all a happy day tomorrow. (*^o^*)

