A room in a sunny place 588 * Hinachima
25th November 2017
Original: http://blog.nogizaka46.com/hina.higuchi/2017/11/041943.php
Good morning!
Today is Saturday, right? (^-^)
お休みの方、お仕事の方、学校の方、部活の方… 充実した1日になるよう、一緒に頑張りましょう☆
People that have the day off, people that have work, people that have school, people that have club activities… Let’s work hard together to make this a fulfilling day. ☆
Because I have work this afternoon, I am now reading blog comments and writing this blog while watching television. ♪
週末のテレビ番組は何だかまったり(o^^o) 時間がゆっくり流れているようで、改めてこうして平和な朝がくる毎日に幸せを感じます。
Television programs in the weekends are somewhat relaxing. (o^^o) Time seems to be passing slowly, and when peaceful mornings like this continue to come, I feel happy everyday .
お仕事の日、休みの日、関係なく朝は早く起きる日奈だよ~(*´꒳`*) 早朝からのお仕事の時は録画しちゃう!笑
By the way, on weekdays, I watch NONSTOP! and Hirunandesu in the morning!! lol
It doesn’t matter if it’s a working day or a day off, I always get up early. (*´꒳`*) When working from early morning, I record it! lol
ニュースや、グルメ、ショッピング、オススメスポットなど色々な情報を知ることができるから、楽しいです☆ みなさんはどんな朝を過ごすのかな?(^-^)
Because I get to know about a variety of information about things like news, gourmet, shopping and recommended sightseeing, I enjoy it. ☆ How do you all spend your mornings? (^-^)
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of filling in for Kanarin on “Chinmoku no Kinyoubi!!

With Sakai-san and Hirako-san. ♪
酒井さん、わからないことを教えて下さったり、緊張をほぐして下さったり… とても優しかったです!たくさん助けて頂きましたm(._.)m♡
Sakai-san teached me things I didn’t know and helped me to relax myself… he was very gentle! He helped me a lot. m(._.)m♡
I thought Hirako-san was a bit scary in the beginning…lol
I wonder if it was because of his enthusiastic “Do-n!”… He is a very charming and great person.
Two hours went by in a blink of time. It was fun. (o^^o)
I also received the new single from the members of J☆Dee’Z, that performed in the Guest Corner!!!

サインと似顔絵つき♡嬉しい♡ 右下の表情は絵に寄せてみたよ^ ^笑
They signed it and drew my portrait. ♡ I am happy. ♡ It resembles my expression in the bottom right picture.^ ^ lol
CDいっぱい聴きます♪ Music Videoも!見る!
I’ll listen to the CD a lot. ♪ And also watch the music video!
みなさん、とても元気で明るくて… エネルギーを沢山もらいました☆
Everyone, it was very energetic and cheerful… I gained a lot of energy. ☆
I also received a Japanese persimmon from the staff. *

The ripeness was exactly right, it’s sweetness… it was perfect!!!
お家で美味しく頂きます( ´ ▽ ` )
Because I received 3 persimmons after finishing… lol
I will enjoy its deliciousness at home. ( ´ ▽ ` )
I peeled and ate one this morning. ♡ hihihi
And also…
About my dream country I talked a little about on yesterday’s radio show…(o^^o)
Because I had a day off the other day, I went to Disneyland with my mother!!

↑ The perfect measure against cold! lol
It has been a while since I went to Disneyland, and that day the weather was good, so it was like I was really in a dream world…
幸せな空間でした☆ 心が癒されたよ。
It is a place of happiness. ☆ My spirit was healed.
カリブの海賊にもたくさん乗って、ブルーバイユー・レストランも予約して、ディナーを食べました♡ お母さんは10年ぶりくらい!って懐かしんでいたよ^ – ^ いっぱい喜んでくれて嬉しかった!
I got on the Pirates of the Caribbean many times, and I made a reservation for the Blue Bayou Restaurant and ate dinner. ♡ My mother said she hadn’t been there for 10 years, and she missed it. ^ – ^ I was happy she was so delighted!
I want to go again. ♡
Alright! Lastly! An important notice!
Today, starting at around 19:15, I will do a SHOWROOM together with Tamamichan! Be sure to watch it!!! ☆
[You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7z9NSdeeLg – Ed.]
To my fans ☆
Today there is a lot!!! Please check it without overlooking!! (*^ω^*)
– NHK Eテレ「趣味どきっ!簡単!極上!ヘルシー!わたしにご褒美スープ」
– NHK Educational TV “Syumi doki! Kantan! Gokujou! Healthy! Watashi ni Gohoubi Soup”

12月6日(水)が、第一回目の放送です。2017年12月6日(水)~2018年の1月31日(水)まで放送されるよ♪ ⚠︎1月3日(水)のみ放送はありません!放送時間は、21:30~21:54!
The first broadcast will be on 6th December (Wednesday). It will be broadcasted from 6th December (Wednesday) 2017 to 31st January (Wednesday) 2018. ♪ ⚠︎ Only on 3rd January (Wednesday) there will be no broadcast! It will be broadcasted from 21:30 to 21:54!
I have the pleasure of working together with Kayoko Ookubo-san. ☆ I will interview her at her famous store, and take the challenge to make a delicious home-made soup!
This was the thing I mentioned in the mail about the individual location and job. (^-^)♡
25th November! Today! The text book of this program will be released.
– 11月28日「ベストアーティスト」出演します!
– 28th November “Best artist” performance!
– 2018年1月10日発売のアンダーアルバム
– On 10th January 2018 is the Under Album release.
There will be individual handshake events!
14th January 2018 (Sunday): Kanagawa – Pacifico Yokohama
1st to 5th round.☆
17th February 2018 (Saturday): Port Messe Nagoya
1st to 5th round.☆
25th May 2018 (Sunday): Kyoto – Kyoto International Conference Center
⚠︎ Because I have a theater performance that day, I will only participate on the 5th round!
Be sure to come. ♡ I’ll be waiting!
– 11月30日発売「BUBKA」かりんと2人です。
– 12月9日発売「BOMB」みなみとゆったんと3人です。
– 12月15日発売「EX大衆」1人です。
– 30th November release “BUBKA” together with Karin.
– 9th December release “BOMB” together with Minami and Yuttan.
– 15th December release “EX Taishu” individual.
– 2018年3月公演ミュージカル【恋するヴァンパイア】
– March 2018 public performance of the musical “Koisuru Vampire”.
There will be an advance ticket lottery. I quoted this from the official Nogizaka46 homepage ↓
[I didn’t translate all the timetables, please see this page for all the details: http://www.nogizaka46.com/news/2017/11/post-12595.php – Ed.]
The advance lottery is until tomorrow! Please check it. m(._.)m
[List of Birthdays]
I hope that this will be a wonderful year for you. *
I wish you all a happy day today…☆