Weekly The Television Plus – Interview with Saito Yuuri, Suzuki Ayane and Higuchi Hina

" Lately, I want to remember our initial inexperienced feelings. Like the pleasure of having your first interview, or being emotionally moved when standing on the stage for a live show for the first time."

Source: Weekly The Television Plus 7th September 2018


A new summer song is a new step up the slope!


In the above average hotness of this summer, Nogizaka46 is at full speed on the top the idol world. While going around the country for their “National Summer Tour 2018”, their 21st single “Jikochuu de Ikou!” was released on the 8th of this month. It is already performed on every live show, and the fans reaction seems to be fantastic.

斉藤優里 「この曲の中で、親指を自分の顔に向ける〝ジコチューポーズ〟があるけど、ちょっとはやりそうな予感がしてるの」

Saito Yuuri In the middle of the song, we point our thumbs to our face, the “Jikochuu pose”, and it looks like it is going to be popular.

鈴木絢音 「印象的なポーズですもんね。振り付けが覚えやすい曲だから、皆さんにマネしてもらえる部分が多いのは間違いないですよ」

Suzuki Ayane It is an impressive pose. Because the song has an easy to remember choreography, I have no doubt that there are many parts that will be copied by everyone.

樋口日奈 「うんうん。最近は割と大人っぽい曲が多かったけど、『ジコチュー』は難しいことを考えずにノッてもらえるよね」

Higuchi Hina Indeed. Lately, there have been a lot of songs with an adult feel, but “Jikochuu” deals with doing what you want to do without thinking about difficult things.

斉藤 「別の曲のパフォーマンス中に客席でジコチューポーズをしている人がいたの!みんなついついやっちゃうんだろうね~。いろんなタイミングで『ジコチューポーズ、やって!』っていうサインを送ってくる人がいる(笑)」

Saito There were people that did the Jikochuu pose during performances of other songs! Everyone ends up doing it without thinking. There are also people that give a signal to “do the Jikochuu pose!” at various times (laughs).

鈴木 「別の曲中ってういのはすごいですね(笑)。この曲自体の自由度が高いですし、私たちがアドリブ的に毎回ダンスを好きにアレンジできるパートもいい効果につながってるのかな?」

Suzuki It’s great that they do that during other songs (laughs). But for this song, there is a lot of freedom, and I wonder if the parts where we can dance and ad lib freely have a nice result as well.

樋口 「その雰囲気はちゃんと伝わってると思うよ。皆さんすごく自然とノッてくれてる気がする」

Higuchi I think we properly convey that atmosphere. Everyone do what they want to do very naturally.

斉藤 「おととしの夏のシングル『裸足でSummer』は、私たちの方から『〝Hey!〟っていう掛け声の部分でタオルを掲げてください!』ってお願いして定着したパフォーマンスがあったじゃない。あれはあれでライブのド定番になって盛り上がるよね。『ジコチュー』はまた違う形でいい感じ」

Saito The summer single two years ago was “Hadashi de Summer”, and our request to put up the towels when we shout “Hey!” is an established part of the performance. It has become a staple of the live shows and it’s exciting. “Jikochuu” is different but feels good as well.

鈴木 「ツアーが終わるころには、この曲ならではなファンの皆さんとのコール&レスポンスが定着してるかもしれませんよ!」

Suzuki When the tour ends, this song might have an established yell and response from the fans!


Putting it all together, the 21st single is a new start. As we enter the 8th year of Nogizaka46, what is “new” for you?

樋口 「カップリングの『地球が丸いなら』は(齋藤)飛鳥と3期生の(大園)桃子、与田(祐希)ちゃんが歌っているでしょ。1期生の最年少だった飛鳥がお姉さんをやっている姿はやっぱり新鮮かも」

Higuchi The coupling song “Chikyuu ga Marui Nara”, sung by Saito Asuka, together with Momoko and Yoda-chan from the 3rd gen. Seeing the youngest of the 1st gen take on the role as the older sister feels fresh.

斉藤 「みんな大人になったよね。『ジコチュー』のMV撮影のときも、3期生のダンスがフワフワしている感じだったからみんなで教えてあげたり。そういうことが自然とできるようになったのか~」

Saito Everyone became so grown up. During the “Jikochuu” MV shooting as well, the dance of the 3rd gen had a light feeling, so we learned it together. These things have become natural.

鈴木 「同じくカップリングの『空扉』では1列めに立つ5人が全員3期生なんですよね。その後ろに1期生のお姉さんメンバーがずらりと並ぶ姿は初めて見る景色になっているんです」

Suzuki On the coupling song “Sora Tobira”, the 5 positions on the 1st row are all 3rd gen members. Behind them are the 1st gen members lined up as older sisters, and it is the first time to see such an image.

樋口 「お姉さんと言えば、まいやん(白石麻衣)となーちゃん(西野七瀬)の『心のモノローグ』っていう曲も新鮮じゃない?あの2人は今までWセンターを務めたことがあったけど、実は2人だけのユニットって初めてだから」

Higuchi Speaking of older sisters, Maiyan’s and Naachan’s “Kokoro no Monologue” feels fresh as well, don’t you think? Until now, the two of them have been acting as double center, but it is the first time there is a unit with just the two of them.

鈴木 「確かに!ファンの皆さんもうれしいでしょうね~」

Suzuki Certainly! The fans also seem happy with it.

樋口 「そういう初めてのワクワク感って大事にしたいなぁ。最近、あらためて、〝初心〟を大事にしたいと思ってるの。初めてインタビューを受けたときの喜びとか、初めてライブのステージに立った感動とか」

Higuchi I want to cherish these exciting first-times. Lately, I want to remember our initial inexperienced feelings. Like the pleasure of having your first interview, or being emotionally moved when standing on the stage for a live show for the first time.

斉藤 「じゃあ、初めてのドーム&スタジアムツアーはまだ続くから、客会場でライブを楽しもうよ!」

Saito Well, the first dome and stadium tour isn’t over yet, so let’s enjoy the shows at those venues.